WMM are experts in sourcing seminal book chapters and journal articles in all fields of medicine. We help you select titles that are the most relevant for your audience and our digital team ensures that they sit perfectly in your digital portal of choice for ease of view or download for your audience.

Textbooks and Journals
At WMM, we believe education is the key to life. Through our long-standing relationships with leading publishers, we help you provide your physicians easy access to the latest developments in their field. Our publishers share our passion for continuous research and education. See the leading publishers we work with closely.
Conference Reports
At WMM, our specialised team of medical writers attend international conferences and produce conference reports with a short turnover. These magazine style journals are a great tool for disseminating important company messages. We can customize your issue as per your branding and include focused advertorials.

ESC Cardiology Textbooks
WMM are key suppliers of European Society of Cardiology (ESC) textbooks. We have strong relationships with the ESC and Oxford University Press. These titles are popular within the pharma and medical device industry and can be split into focused chapter reprints to highlight your areas of interest. Available in print or digital or a combination.